2 Dentists working on a patient

7 Signs You May Need A Root Canal

Toothaches are often considered to be severe issues with your dental health. Though, not all pains may be classified into you getting a root canal. That’s why, whenever you face any dental issues, you should visit a dentist as soon as possible. Also, self-diagnosis should be avoided to evade any complications.

Knowing when to get a root canal is like trying to figure out if you need a filling. It is difficult trying to figure out whether an improved dental hygiene routine will help you solve your existing problem or whether you will need assistance from a dentist. All these decisions are difficult because a trained dentist can only determine many of the signs.

It is essential to visit your dentist regularly because physical symptoms often do not show up until it reaches an advanced stage. Therefore, if you don’t visit a dentist when you face a dental issue, you might have an infected tooth and a probable root canal in your hands.

A root canal is a procedure where the teeth that are severely decayed or infected are repaired and saved. In a root canal, when the pulp of the tooth, which is composed of blood vessels and nerves, is damaged, it is removed, and the insides of the teeth are cleaned and sealed.

Here are some signs that suggest you might need a root canal:

1) Pain:

Persistent pain is one of the signs that you may need a root canal. Pain is one of those indicators which highlight that something is wrong with your teeth. If you face any issues while engaging in healthy activities like eating, drinking, etc. you should visit a dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist will determine the cause of your toothache and will check for damage to blood vessels or nerves that may have caused due to the infection that causes you the pain. Antibiotics will help you fix such infections, and the dentist might choose to go ahead with a root canal to ease the pain.

2) Chipped/Cracked Tooth:

Involving in physically-gruelling sports, eating hard foods, or a lousy dental produced can lead to a chipped or cracked tooth. When a tooth is chipped or cracked, the nerves beneath the surface of the tooth may be exposed, which can later lead to an infection. Such an infection, if untreated, may enter your bloodstream and cause further complications. Therefore, you might need a root canal to prevent further spread of infection.

3) Sensitive to temperature:

Tooth sensitivity is another sign that you might need a root canal. Often, you might get a toothache when you drink hot or cold drinks. This pain is a problem, which may not sound severe at first, but can progress into sharp, acute pain if not treated. An infected tooth can also cause you pain when you are indulging in cold or hot food and drinks. When consumption of hot or cold food causes you pain, the damaged blood vessels and nerve endings are to be blamed. A root canal can help you fix sensitive teeth.

4) Swollen gums:

A dental issue beneath the surface of your gums may lead to swelling. If your gums are hurting, are swollen, or have a raised bump on them, your gums will be examined to determine the root cause. In some cases, a dentist might suggest a root canal if the inflamed gums do not show any improvement.

5) Tooth discolouration:

Your teeth may be discoloured due to many reasons – poor dental hygiene, exposure to food that stain your tooth’s enamel, damage to the never beneath the tooth’s surface, etc. When there’s damage to the nerve space in the tooth, discolouration occurs. A toothache or swelling may not accompany this type of stain. The dentist will advise a root canal to cure this discoloured tooth.

6) Prolonging sensitivity:

Whenever it hurts when you put some pressure on your tooth and that pain lasts for weeks or months without any improvement – then you might need a root canal! Such a prolonged sensitive tooth is the result of the damaged root, and these do not heal on their own. One way to get rid of the pain and control the damage is to get a root canal.

7) Decay:

If you are neglecting your oral hygiene, your teeth might get decayed. And once the rot goes deep, no amount of brushing, flossing or rinsing with mouthwash will help you solve the issue. A neglected cavity will spread to the nerve and the root of the tooth. In such cases, a root canal is preferred before fitting the tooth with a crown.

Parting Words

So, if you do not have a reliable dental hygiene procedure in place, get to it right away. Your dentists can help you with how to maintain your oral health. If you believe that you have a dental issue that can only be solved with a root canal, don’t worry! Root canals are common and can help you eliminate the pain with the right dentist. So, if you are facing any kind of dental issues, schedule an appointment with your dentist right away.

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